
Showing posts from April, 2021

Databases That You Can Find Every Word!

 Hello, my dear readers!      Today, I'm going to talk about how to use a corpus. Corpus is a collection of written texts or spoken texts in written form. You can write a word and see it in hundreds of different sentences. Using corpus in classrooms helps us to activate data-driven learning. skell      Corpus is a great tool because seeing all of the examples provides the student language awareness. For example, based on a preparatory book we prepared a worksheet which is about positive modal verbs. After seeing the verbs in the sentences, the student will have familiarity with the given verb. This will help him/her with future activities.       Here are our worksheets which we created on  Canva .      On our worksheet, I and Bengisu first wrote the instruction part. It's important for the students because showing the steps make them eager to start. We chose Skell as our corpus because it's free and easy to us...


     Hello, again my dear readers!      After more than a year, here I am! dribble      I was planning to keep posting about my new projects but a pandemic came up and it made me postpone my dreams. Now I'm happy that I have to post some things. Yes, I have to. Because this term I'm taking Material Design in ELT lesson. The course's teacher is the same as the previous lesson, Educational Technologies. I believe that I will learn so many valuable things and you will be able to see my progress because I will keep sharing lots of posts! freegreatpicture So keep reading them and please comment when you have an idea or a suggestion for me! See you in my next post!