My Magazine About Games: Arena

Hi everyone!

My homework for this week was creating magazine cover. I chose to create a game magazine and it’s about strategy games. I love playing strategy and medieval games. So this concept was the best for me. It includes the games that I love such as Stronghold, Age of Empires 2 and Rome: Total War.

I used Canva to create my magazine cover. It was easy to use it but next time I will try another website. You can’t reach every feature of this site without premium membership. Maybe I can find a more useful one. First I chose my concept, and then I found some cliparts and background picture. Finally I created titles of the articles in my magazine. Here is my magazine!

Creating a magazine cover was very inspiring. I have never created something like that and I realized that I can even create a magazine!

Create your magazine cover. You’ll learn a lot of things!

See you in my next post!


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