Hello, my dear readers!
Have you ever tried flipping the classroom? Flipped Classroom means creating a
video lesson for the students so that they can watch it at home. Then, you can spend more time on the classroom activities and target language use. In the traditional method, we waste our valuable and limited classroom time for introducing and lecturing. Even though the teacher needs to spend extra time
creating these videos, flipping the classroom helps to catch the students'
attention. Young learners need to be active in the class and the traditional lecturing method prevents the beneficial learning process.
I and Bengisu created a flipped classroom vocabulary video about movies for
5th-grade students. They will watch our video and complete 3 enjoyable exercises. Our video contains an introduction to the movie genres, a dialogue with our siblings about movies and an exercise introduction.
Bengisu shot the introduction parts and I gave information about movies and their genres. We both shot a video with our siblings in which we talk about movies. We created 3 exercises together on
Wordwall and added them at the end of the video. I edited the whole video and added the scenes from related movies
by using
Vegas Pro.
Finally, we uploaded it to YouTube. And
TA-DAAA. Here is our masterpiece!
Here are the exercises:
We had so much fun while recording the videos. The only problem was the level of my voice in the video. I couldn't borrow/buy a better microphone because of the quarantine or find an editing solution. I will try to record my voice with a better device next time.
You can visit my partner Bengisu's post and see the procedure from her perspective.
See you in my next post!
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