It's Time To Say Goodbye!
Hello again, my dear readers! My last post was about my last task for this semester. Now, it's time to say goodbye. This semester we learned so many things in our Material Desing in ELT class and I tried to share my experience with you as good as I can. First, we learned how to use a Corpus . Then, we shot flipped classroom vocabulary and grammar videos. After that, we visited Krakow online by using Augmented Reality . Finally, we created a WebQuest to make a traditional project technology-enhanced. It was a great semester and I had so much fun. I would like to express my special thanks to my partner Bengisu. She was with me throughout the semester and we did everything together. I believe that she is going to be a great teacher. Here is her blog page . I will come back and write about my new experiences. Until then, goodbye! tecchannel